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Car Parking Announcement

Car Parking Announcement


Weedon Village Hall is a Registered Charity and it is managed by a volunteer Management Committee and board of Trustees. This unpaid band of enthusiastic folk have made Weedon Village Hall into one of the best Community venues in the county. This is evidenced by the usually full booking register!

Users of the Hall are able to take advantage of the free parking included with the Hall hire. Unfortunately, over time, some Weedon residents and the general public have been under the impression that the Hall car park facility is a Community asset, open to all, for free, unimpeded use at any time. Some folk also think that the Hall is owned and run by the Parish Council

The Village Hall Management Committee wish to make it clear, once and for all; THIS IS NOT THE CASE.

The Hall Committee have previously allowed free access to non-hall users as a concession. The car park, hall and entry / exit points are in fact Private Property. Normally, non-users of the Hall are able to utilise the access and car park facility without any problems, e.g. school drop off and moderate use by the school staff. A very practical situation which the Management Committee are happy to see progressed.

However, Hall users are seriously compromised when some events are held at the school or there is an event which uses the Croft Way Playing Field adjacent.

To protect the interests of users renting the Hall, the Management Committee will, in future, be giving advance closure notice on Village media, to the School Head and with local signage. Members of the Management Committee will also be in attendance during periods of closure.

We trust that this decision will be understood and respected by those concerned.

October 2017 Weedon Village Hall Committee.

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Written by Tony Wincott and published on 21 April 2021.
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