In line with many of the surrounding villages Weedon now has its own public access defibrillator.
Due to the initiative of the Trustees of the Village Hall their successful application to the British Heart Foundation has resulted in Weedon village receiving a free issue AED unit and external storage cabinet.
Due to the initiative of the Trustees of the Village Hall their successful application to the British Heart Foundation has resulted in Weedon village receiving a free issue AED unit and external storage cabinet.
This is a piece of life saving equipment available to the public capable of providing a reviving shock to those who have suffered a heart failure. Used in conjunction with CPR these intelligent machines have been responsible for saving many lives.
The unit is available 24/7 and can be found on the front of the village hall adjacent to the main entrance. Look for the yellow box!
The unit is very simple to use as it provides step by step verbal instruction when it is activated. Access to the cabinet is given by the ambulance service when prompted by a 999 call.
There will be some free AED and CPR training sessions planned for later this year and the Trustees will be seeking to get the school and pupils engaged in training as well.It is anticipated that a further AED unit will be placed at the Jubilee Field in the very near future thanks to the initiative of the Weedon Football Club. Watch this space for more information or email Tony
The unit is available 24/7 and can be found on the front of the village hall adjacent to the main entrance. Look for the yellow box!
The unit is very simple to use as it provides step by step verbal instruction when it is activated. Access to the cabinet is given by the ambulance service when prompted by a 999 call.
There will be some free AED and CPR training sessions planned for later this year and the Trustees will be seeking to get the school and pupils engaged in training as well.It is anticipated that a further AED unit will be placed at the Jubilee Field in the very near future thanks to the initiative of the Weedon Football Club. Watch this space for more information or email Tony
Written by Tony Wincott and published on 22 April 2021.